Monday, 31 October 2016

Half term Work

Task 1 Chosen Artist and Track

The track I have chosen from my unsigned artist which is Johnny Hutchinson is Two Wolves which is electronica/alternative.

Vocals - Distorted
Clear Vocals- Calm ego
Drums - Fierce, Powerful.
Synth- Insanity, frenetic, enthusiastic.
Guitar- Change in mood and tone

Task 2 Developing Ideas and Concept

I thought the song was about two wolves and one was influenced by peace and harmony and one was influenced by discord darkness. The location I visualized in my music video is two separate rooms (one light room and one black room) featuring the artist wearing make-up for one room for instance eyeliner and rough hair to represent one ego then maybe an opposite or a different look to represent the other.  High and low-key lighting will be included in the music video to make both egos distinctive to the audience. The pace of the edit will be quick and there will be some use of stop-motion.

Task 3 Visualization

This is my mood board for my assumptions for what the song means.

Task 4 Permission

The name of my unsigned artist is Johnny Hutchinson and I have contacted him through text and found his tracks on Soundcloud. I used the track called Two Wolves. I have been given permission to use this track for the music video after I asked him if I could use it.

Task 5 Interview

I interviewed him through the use of text messages on my phone. After doing so, I was able to find out the songs meaning and the Image which was being established in the track. The meaning and the message of the song is that it's about two egos and whichever one we put more strength into controls our personality. He is aiming to establish a dark and serious image in the music video. Also, I asked him about what his influences were and he said that was influenced by the Bristol trip hop scene.

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