Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Easter work Production Plan Question 5 and 6

3(v)Potential Problems

One potential problem will be the budget because we might over spend which will disrupt the production therefore preventing us from fishing the project by the deadline. Another potential problem is that we might encounter is that we might have booked out faulty equipment which would lead to damaging the camera. The footage may not look professional due to our use of stop motion or the idea may not be strong enough to fulfil the brief.  The weather may be a potential threat because the rain would damage the camera. Another potential problem is that our idea may violate legal and ethical regulations.

3(vi)Potential Solutions

In retaliation to the budget problem, we will be using college equipment to shoot our product. To counter having faulty equipment, we will check the equipment that we booked and request a replacement in case we encounter it. In order to make the product better we will have to scrutinise the idea through test runs so that we get the concept and we will be able to know what to film and when to film it. In order to deal with the weather issue we will have to reschedule which would lead to overrunning. In retaliation to these regulatory constraints, we will go over our idea to ensure it doesn't offend any religions otherwise lawsuits will occur.

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