Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Production Diary

Production Diary 25th April 2017

We pitched our chosen theme for the suite of idents for the Christ The King YouTube channel. We covered the theme which was community and we discussed what is going to be within each ident and it was simple because we revised our ideas in the previous team meeting so that the four idents were similar to the theme we have chosen. We also handed the client the production plan which included the logo designs, budget, production schedule, potential problems and solutions. We had to pitch in under 5 mins so there was a considerable amount of pressure on our part but we covered everything else and our ideas were consistent.

Production Diary 26th April 2017

The next day after we pitched our ideas to the client, we received feedback from our client. We didn't know what to improve on because  there wasn't enough time for us to receive ours so we will be waiting for when he gives us feedback. In the meantime we are working on the pre-production for our  suite of idents due for the 3rd April.

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