Friday, 9 June 2017

April 25th 2017

Meeting Deadlines

We amassed a production plan in time to pitch to our client.

Quality Management

We looked over our ideas to see if it would breach any legal and ethical regulations before negotiating the ideas with the client.

Meeting the client

We met with the client to discuss our ideas and our suggestions about the brief. He complied with our suggestions so we were both in agreement and he was happy with us to carry out our ideas in production.


We all contributed to the pitch and managed to encompass the pitch criteria.

Tuesday 2nd May 2:15pm

Meeting Deadlines

There were a few errors with our production plan meaning that it was incomplete overall. It was incomplete because there wasn't enough information on the treatment in terms of consistency, tone, visual style, brand identity, and colour. Also, there were rough storyboards, and irrelevant designs, roles and responsibilities was also incomplete. I also stated that we were shooting outside for one of our idents which would have disastrous because stop-motion wouldn't work when there are cars would ruin the ident, therefore making it unfit for purpose.

Quality Management

Upon receiving the feedback from the client, I had to arrange a group meeting because there were faults with everyone's contribution towards the production plan so there was no one to blame but ourselves.  What was worse was the fact that Daniel S could think of a creative idea, so we had to sacrifice our break time to think of one more ident for Daniel S and I thought of the fashion show idea and gave it to him.


As I have said before, each of us were a liability and we have accepted the blame and have improved the production plan. We also admit that we were not communicating enough.

Lawrence (Designs and Potential Problems and Possible Solutions)
Rosie (Treatment)
Daniel S (Production Budget)
James (Amendments to conditions)

3rd May 2017

Meeting Deadlines

After mending the production plan, we began forming our pre production after everyone chose their roles and we submitted our documentation before the deadline.

Rosie- Director
Lawrence- Assistant Director and Animator
Daniel S- Producer
James- Director of Photography and Editor


Everyone worked perfectly in reaching the goal of finishing their pre-production work without any arguments.

Quality Management

We assessed our own contribution to the work and made sure it was done to a good standard before submission.

10th May 2017

According to the feedback received, our overall pre-production is a solid merit. Everyone contributed to the documentation = so I was pleased to hear that.

15th May 2017

The production process was going fine since we filmed two of our idents with plenty of time to spare until we received the disparaging news that Daniel S lost the SD card which contained the footage of the two idents that we shot. All of us were annoyed at him because we weren't able to do anything for the following Monday which put us behind Schedule and when we had a lecture regarding our truancy, Daniel pretended to do something productive instead of taking the blame for losing the SD Card, so we didn't talk to him for a while.

16th May 2017

After a while, everyone calmed down and we decided to start again, so we decided to shoot the football Ident in the sports hall but Daniel S who was the producer didn't book out the sports hall because there were other people using the sports hall but we got lucky that they gave us half of the sports hall to shoot our ident. However I was still disappointed at the fact that he wasn't being very organised.

18th May 2017

After shooting out ident I asked Daniel if he booked out the hall for the fashion show and then he said that he was unable to due to exam season yet he said that he did book it and I was livid because he couldn't simply say he couldn't book the hall. So we shot the photography, hands, and the fashion show ident in the green room.

19th May 2017

Meeting Deadlines 

All idents done and ready for editing

Quality Management

We reviewed the footage and we agreed as a team that we were happy with it.

Team working

We managed to pull ourselves through the shooting stage so that we are all able to relax.

26th May 2017

Meeting Deadlines

We amassed a portfolio of previous work that was due in for the deadline on 26th May to deliver on weebly.

Quality Management 

We peer assessed our contribution to the work before submission.


We were all successful in reaching the deadline.

8th June 2017

Meeting Deadlines

After the production process james edited and exported all the rough cuts to me so I can animate all four of them on photoshop. It was a long and painful process but I was still able to do it in due time.

Client Negotiation

According to the feedback I received from the client, I made one basic mistake in all of the idents which was the name of the channel which was just CTK which meant that it was advertising the college so I had to name the channel and the logo needs to last for at least three seconds for it to be considerable as an ident.  , I was still able to mend my idents so that they are ready by the delivery date.

Quality Management

I went over the idents I animated to ensure that the mistake cleverly pointed out by my client was corrected so I could deliver them on the delivery date.


I did all the animations on my own because I had Adobe Photoshop and a pen tablet at home whereas my team members didn't to I took it upon myself to animate all four of these idents.

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Task 2c

i) Identify Opportunities for Self-Development

In this team, I will be taking the role of assistant director. I have the opportunity to self develop my skills as an individual. I have to document the progress being made through the production schedule, inspecting the cast and the crew, using call sheets, health and safety on set, and ensuring the conditions are met in order to begin filming. I have to maintain being organised and maintain contact with the director.

ii) New skills

This gives me the opportunity to learn new skills such as learning to do stop-motion animation and rotoscoping since I have never learned these techniques before so I have learned these techniques through video tutorials on YouTube. During my experience with negotiating with the client we had to communicate with the client in order to understand how creative we can be whilst keeping to the client's demands.

iii) Multi-skilling

This gives me the opportunity to demonstrate multi-skilling. Which means that the role I am taking as an individual requires a variety of skills such as being organised which is essential. Communication is another one of the skills that is used mostly seeing as to how you need to manage the cast and keep in constant contact with the director. 

iv) Contribution to project brief

My contribution to the project brief is that I am the assistant director for the production of these idents and I will make sure that the conditions to film will be met and call sheets will be prepared in time with the schedule.

Monday, 8 May 2017

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Production Diary

Production Diary 25th April 2017

We pitched our chosen theme for the suite of idents for the Christ The King YouTube channel. We covered the theme which was community and we discussed what is going to be within each ident and it was simple because we revised our ideas in the previous team meeting so that the four idents were similar to the theme we have chosen. We also handed the client the production plan which included the logo designs, budget, production schedule, potential problems and solutions. We had to pitch in under 5 mins so there was a considerable amount of pressure on our part but we covered everything else and our ideas were consistent.

Production Diary 26th April 2017

The next day after we pitched our ideas to the client, we received feedback from our client. We didn't know what to improve on because  there wasn't enough time for us to receive ours so we will be waiting for when he gives us feedback. In the meantime we are working on the pre-production for our  suite of idents due for the 3rd April.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Individual Pitch Idea

Easter work Production Plan Question 5 and 6

3(v)Potential Problems

One potential problem will be the budget because we might over spend which will disrupt the production therefore preventing us from fishing the project by the deadline. Another potential problem is that we might encounter is that we might have booked out faulty equipment which would lead to damaging the camera. The footage may not look professional due to our use of stop motion or the idea may not be strong enough to fulfil the brief.  The weather may be a potential threat because the rain would damage the camera. Another potential problem is that our idea may violate legal and ethical regulations.

3(vi)Potential Solutions

In retaliation to the budget problem, we will be using college equipment to shoot our product. To counter having faulty equipment, we will check the equipment that we booked and request a replacement in case we encounter it. In order to make the product better we will have to scrutinise the idea through test runs so that we get the concept and we will be able to know what to film and when to film it. In order to deal with the weather issue we will have to reschedule which would lead to overrunning. In retaliation to these regulatory constraints, we will go over our idea to ensure it doesn't offend any religions otherwise lawsuits will occur.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Easter Work Task 2b Reflective Article Question 1 and 2


We had a meeting with the client on Tuesday 30th march 2017 in order to discuss information regarding the brief that was set for us. It is important to consult with the client because by doing so, you will be able to know how creative you can be whilst keeping to the clients preferences. It is also important to consult with the client because that way you will be able to discuss the brief and the ideas within the brief. You will also be able to acquire information regarding what the client wants to see in the project. The client's name was David Pearson and we had to sit in our production teams to negotiate with the client in terms of what he wanted specifically and how creative we could be with these idents. We negotiated the fact that the idents could not be seasonal because there was no snow for winter, not enough sun for summer and no red leaves for autumn. So the client agreed that these idents don’t have to be seasonal anymore given the limitation.  Our second concern with the brief was the duration because we thought that it would be better if the duration could be shorter because our idents didn’t last as long as 30 seconds but our ideas were imaginative so therefore, we thought it would be a good idea to shorten the duration.


During the negotiation process, there is always a degree of discretion with the client which means how creative we can be as long as we take the client’s ideas and suggestions into account in other words, David Pearson stated that we didn’t have to use only white and purple in our idents we could use a variety of colours but he wants to keep the colour scheme of the logo. He also stated that he wanted stakeholders, students, and the parents to perceive the college as formal so that limited the extent of our creativity since most of our ideas were formal but they weren’t engaging enough to entertain the target audience and fulfil the brief. There must be a degree of discretion in terms of negotiating with the client because it will allow you think about what the client wants along with how creative you want to be. If we bypass the boundary of how much we can be creative, then there is too much discretion which will lead to the brief being unfulfilled. We must take the client's expectations into consideration whilst thinking about how creative we can be in creating this project.