Monday, 21 December 2015

Task 1 Generating ideas for a short horror/thriller film

The short story that inspired me was the Legend of Sleepy Hollow.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

The legend of sleepy hollow was one of my favourite short stories because of the headless horseman. I found it inspiring because of the way he sends his victims to the here after I was engaged throughout the folklore and found it worth mentioning on my blog.

The Airplane incident

The Article that inspired me was the man who died after being sucked in to an Airplane turbine I found it gruesome and it reminded me of the movie Final destination when a group of people avoided death on flight 108 so death itself targets the group of victims that cheated death.

What is a Hook?

A hook is designed to grab the viewer's attention. The hook normally lasts for five minutes or more. Its the same as finding the hook in a novel. An example of a hook may be in the form of two sentences which is common in movies e.g. 'Will he be able to find true happiness? Or will he drown in a sea of despair?

My hook will be whether the detective is able to unmask the invisible killer before he steals the identity of another victim. It will contain a non-linear narrative structure through the use of flashbacks to show the victims killed and a flash forward to represent the premonition of where the killer may strike next.

Mood Board Beginning

Mood Board Middle

Mood Board End

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