Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Research Log

I was looking at the short horror films to identify which one had the most views and I came across this one as it was the most popular
Short stories
I found out that this was an Irish folklore about the headless horseman who slaughters people by calling their name. It was very interesting.
Database for movies
I found out that the plot for this movie was very simple and straightforward. I also found out that this was a very successful film since the gross exceeded the budget they used to make this film. It influenced me to include a chase scene in my short film.
This article was talking about how much crime in terms of Identity theft has risen by a third which influenced me to include an activity of theft in my short film because it is a basic convention of the thriller genre.
Research website
I found out the bbfc need to classify films in terms of U, PG, 12, 12A, 15, 18. So that they can protect the psychological make-up of the human being and promote safety for viewers as the higher age rates involve imitable behaviour.
Research website
I found out that short film festivals involve a distribution of short films in order to get the director’s name across the market and get ratings. Short film festivals are also held because they help gather some ideas for advertisement.
I found out about an engineer who was sucked into a plane engine and died. This made me think about whether the death was accidental. I thought this article was applicable to my log because his death was mysterious since the death might be accidental or someone pushed him in there.
I found out that I needed to keep my short film plain and simple, and include a hook or a twist and have someone who is talented in acting to help bring the minds of the audience out of modern society and into the reality of your short film.
I found out that this site supports people who want to bring their project to life by funding them to purchase resources.
Jack Reacher
This book has inspired me to include a detective in my short film and it is also has one of the basic conventions of what makes it a thriller episode.  The book had an invigorating storyline which kept me engaged throughout the story book.
Angels and Demons
This was one of my favourite mystery based books I have ever read and it has given me a deeper insight to the mystery part of a thriller.
Sherlock Holmes
I thought this book was worth mentioning because I like watching people solve puzzle based mysteries and the fast paced action. In addition, it has everything I look for in a thriller.
I learned HOW to get my short film to Netflix but upon looking at this site I thought about the limitations of my short film such as whether it will be popular enough to earn titles in order for Netflix to show my short film.
This has taught me the basics of film distribution and how expensive it is to get your name as well as your film across the market.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Final Proposal



In this proposal, I will be talking about my pitch and sell the idea to producers so that they can get the film made and screened in cinemas and distributed to Netflix etc.

I carried out both primary research through social media asking the people within my audience and looking at their YouTube profiles what they like about thriller movies and what they would like to see more of in thrillers. I carried out my secondary research which included looking at news articles and short stories and movies to inspire me and help me get into the mood.

Film synopsis

The name of my short film will be called 'One After Another' and the genre of this film will be a thriller.

A deadbeat criminal stalks and kills victims so that he could retrieve their identity. He is soon spotted by a passerby detective leading to a hot pursuit.  The twist will be whether the detective captures the criminal and brings him to justice or will the criminal escape. The hook will be what weapon the criminal uses to decapitate the criminal. The tagline will be 'You could be next'. I was influenced by an online article regarding the growth of identity theft on BBC. I was also influenced by the movie Point Break to include a chase scene.

Film Rating

I will rate the film 15 because it contains violence and behavior which can be mimicked by people who watch this and end up doing the same in real life or even worse this is normally affects impressionable teenagers. There is little to no dialogue which means barely any bad language and I can prevent discrimination. There will be no gory scenes because it is a thriller. If i was to include pain in my short film, then it will not be emphasized on.

Primary Research

I used the short horror playlist to find out which short film had the most views and likes etc which turned out to be 2AM The Smiling Man had over three million views and over 28k likes.

I was looking at the comments and their profiles but I couldn't find any of their ages so I considered them to be adults but I cannot be too sure about the gender because I looked at most of their profiles and there was nothing about their age nor their gender. So my intended audience would have to be adults and I will be looking at an audience of both male and female. I will gather data by talking to them on social media platforms as it is the best way for me to accumulate data rather than going out and asking people on the street for the purpose of questioning them.

So I decided to use social media to question them about what they liked about thrillers and what they would like to see more of. The reason as to why I chose to do so is because I can consider these when putting together my short film. 

This is the feedback I received from the first person I interviewed. 

The first person I interviewed said that Psychological stuff and suspense would rather be seen more than blood and gore and distortion in people's minds and flashbacks to tell the story.

The second person I asked gave me a similar feedback 

The next person I interviewed was said that they preferred a developed story-line and tension building up to engage the audience.

The third person I interviewed favors suspense and the development of tension on specific scenes rather than tension throughout since it is overused and losing its meaning.

The fourth person would like to see a piece of what happened at the start and then investigations to find evidence and the pursuit and in the end the criminal is brought to justice. To summarize the fourth person prefers to see more of mystery in horror films. 

Secondary Research

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow


The legend of sleepy hollow was one of my favorite short stories because of the headless horseman. I found it inspiring because of the way he sends his victims to the here after and it was suspenseful as well. I was engaged throughout the folklore and found it worth mentioning on my blog. After reading the short story, it made me wonder whose name he was going to call next.  

The research I gathered was overall useful and I learnt from the primary feedback is that thrillers should contain no blood and gore at all but mystery, suspenseful scenes to engage the audience rather than focusing on the vulnerability of the human body.

There is a trend in the thriller genre in terms of chase scenes the movie Bullitt was released in 1968 and it was one of the first movies to have a chase scene and then came another movie which is called The Driver which was released in 1978 and that movie also had a chase scene then modern movies like Casino Royale which was a James Bond film also had a chase scene so what I have learnt is that chase scenes have become incredibly popular ever since and more action movies will tend to have chase scenes included. The audience for Bullitt and the Driver were mostly adults but as time went on chase scenes were glamorized to make it look amazing and inspiring for a teenage audience such as Casino Royale. 


Judging by my research overall target audience for my short film will be around people of ages 18-30 and the gender will be predominantly male because the majority of women scare easily when it comes to thriller and horror films in comparison to men but however it may be a female audience because both characters in my film are male. Also people of ages 18+ also go to short film festivals in order to get their name across the market and to have their film shown internationally. Also it helps to generate advertisement ideas, or even get a job offer from famous businesses. 


The USP of my film will be that it is based on a real life article which regards the amount of Identity theft happening in the UK and how it has increased by a third. The narrative structure will be linear and I will maintain continuity to tell the story and make it look like a professional piece. 


There will be a budget for the production £20-£25

Camera and Tripods provided by the college
Macs are provided by the college for editing 
Food will be £15
Props will be £10
Transport will be free because we can use our Oyster Card Travel for Buses. However, we might be using trains which will cost around £3.00.

Regulation & Certification

The BBFC are a non-profit organization who certify  films shown in the UK by organizations across the world. The BBFC will take a look at my short film and certify my film depending on the content. In order to get my short film across to the BBFC for certification I would have to apply for my film to get certified but whether my short film is certified or not depends on the decision of the unit in the BFI. One issue about my short film is that the BBFC would be unable to certify my film because it will be distributed onto YouTube which is an international organization.

Changes of idea

I had to seclude having dangerous weapons as a prop since it wasn't workable. It wasn't workable because you needed to have a license in order to shot in public with dangerous weapons meaning that the idea wasn't within my boundary and the ending will be ambiguous so the audience can wonder what happens next.


The locations I have chosen for my short film will be in Bromley South or in Downham so a recce is required in order to gather details about the location.


My short film will be uploaded onto YouTube after using Final Cut Pro for editing because it is what we have to do for our coursework and so I can earn views. Youtube is an international organisation meaning that the BBFC cannot rate short films. Then I chose to show my short film to the Raindance film festival. In order to do so, I would have to submit my short film to the short film festival by filling in a submission form. When the submissions are open for the Raindance film festival. I would have an opportunity to show to the short film festival so that I can get ratings and have the film distributed to Netflix. In order to get my short film to be shown in Netflix it needs to have a large amount of  titles for my short film to be available on Netflix.

Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Rough/Draft Proposal (Highlighted Mistakes)


In this proposale, I will be about my pitch and sell th idea to producers so that they can get the film mad and screneed in cineas and distribued to Netflx etc.

I carried out both primay rsearch through socil meda asking the people within my audience and looking at their YouTube profiles what they like about thriller movies and what they would like to see more of in thrillers. I carried out my secondary research which included looking at news articles and short stories and movies to inspire me and help me get into the mood.

The nme of my shrt flm will be called 'One After Another' and the genre of this film will be a thriller.

A dedbeat criminal stalks and kills victims so that he could retrieve their identity. He is soon spotted by a paserby detective leading to a hot pursuit.  The twist will be whether the detective captures the criminal and brings him to justice or will the criminal escape. The hook will be what weapon the criminal uses to deapitate the criminal. The tagline will be 'You could be next'. I was influenced by an online article regading the growth of identity theft on BBC. I was also influenced by the movie Point Break to include a chase scene.

I will rate the flm 15 because it contains violence and behavior which can be mimicked by people who watch this nd end up doing the same in real life or even worse this is normally affects impressionable tenagers. There is little to no dalogue which means barely any bad language and I can prevent discrimination. There will be no gory scenes because it is a thriller. If i was to include pain in my short film, then it will not be emphasized on.  

This was the primary reseach I cnductid to acuire feedback from my audience:

I used the short horror plalist to find out which short film had the most views and likes etc which turned out to be 2AM The Siling Man had over three million views and over 28k likes.

I was looking at the commets and their pofiles but I couldn't find any of their ages so I considered them to be over 17+ years of age but I canot be to sure about the gender because I looked at most of their profiles and there was nothing about their age nor their gender. So my intended audience would have to be around 17+ years of age and I will be looking at an audience of both male and female. I will gather data by talking to them on social media platforms as it is the best way for me to accumulate data rather than going out and asking people on the street for the purpose of questioning them.

So I decided to use social media to quetion them about what they liked about thrillers and what they would like to see more of. The reason as to why I chose to do so is because I can consider these when putting together my short film. 

This is the fedback I received from te first peson I interviewed. 

The first person I interviewed was an 18 year old and he said that Psychological stuff and supense wuld rther be seen more than blood and gore and distortion in people's minds and flashbacks to tell te story.

The scond peron I asked gave me a similar feedback 

The next person I intrviewed ws 17 yars of age and he  said that they prefered a developed story-line and tension building up to engage the audience.

The third person I interviwed was 18 years of age and he favors suspense and the evelopment of tension on specific scenes rather than tension throghout since it is verused and osing its meaning.

The fourth person was 17 years of age and he would like to see a piece of what happened at the start and then investigations to find evidence and the pursuit and in the end the criminal is brought to justice. To summarize the fourth person prefers to see more of mystery in horror films. 

The secondary research I carried out involved looking at short stories, articles for 

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow


The legend of seepy hollw was one of my fvorite short stories because of the headless horseman. I found it inpiring because of the way he sends his victims to the here after and it was suspenseful as wll. I was engaged throughout the folklore and found it worth mentioning on my blog. After reading te short story, it made me wonder whose name he was going to call next.  

Te research I gathered was overll useful and I lernt from the pimary feedback is that thrillers should cotain no blood and gore at all but mystery, suspenseful scenes to engage the audience rather than focusing on the vulnerability of the human body.

The USP of my film will be the amunt of mystery and suspense and the silence I add to my film so I don't overuse the mainsream techniques and components of a thriller film otherwise my film would lose meaning. The narraive structure will be linear and I will maintain continuity to tell the story and make it look like a professional piece. 

There wll be no budget for my film because we can use our oster cards for free ransport and all the equipment neded to produce my short film wll be fuded by the colege. 

The BBFC who rate fils shown in the UK by organizations across the world. The BBFC will take a look at my short film and give it a rating depending on the content. The I will distribute my short film to the short film festival so that I can get ratings and have the film distributed to Netflix or LoveFilm. 

There are no alterations I had to make with my idea since it was workable and within my boundary and the ending is open to interpretaion so the audiens can wonde what happens next

My short film will be distibuted onto YouTube because it is what we have to do for our coursework and so I can earn views.

Unit 2: Communication Skills - Task 3 Research Summary


My short film is going to be about a criminal who has been spotted taking the life of the victim and the victim's identity, but the killer didn't know that he was being followed by the detective who was coming home from work but then he encounters a dead body and then he thoroughly observes the victim's body and simultaneously notices the criminal running from the scene because he knows that someone is after him. The detective then pursues the criminal and the criminal runs into a dead end and then that is where the short film will end with an instant cut to black.

I was influenced by an online article on BBC which outlines that the amount of identity theft victims have increased meaning that criminals are using other people's data for the purpose of buying merchandise and opening their bank accounts in order to obtain money and selling other people's credit card details and their date of birth for a minimum of five pounds.

I was influenced by the movie Point Break (1991) to include a chase scene in my 1 minute short film because it was proclaimed to have one of the best chase scenes in movies and when I watched it for the first time, I was locked in into the suspense and tension an the quickened pace of edit and the quick cuts towards the end of the scene.

I read the novel Jack Reacher for inspiration and I found this book enjoyable and it as encouraged me to include a detective in my film and it had a straightforward story-line which was understandable and it was suspenseful at the same time and it reminds me of police brutality which is common in the USA. Also it encouraged me to include a chase scene and maybe a short fight scene.

I read the novel Sherlock Holmes and I found it entertaining because it made me feel like I was solving a mystery and it made me think as I was reading it and it is also a thriller novel but it is creates more of a mystery than suspense.

I read the novel Angels and Demons because it was an exciting book to read and In my opinion, the book is better than the film and it is slightly more mystery based and makes the audience think. This book has encouraged me to include an element of mystery in my short film. 

I will have the British Film Industry (BFI) which is funded by the national lottery for the purpose of developing, producing, and distributing films. The income they earn from the national lottery is given to 12 different organizations within the institute each organization has different characteristics. The minimum amount of money which is used to support the development of films is £10,000 and the maximum of £30,000. I will ask to give me a grant of £10,000 which will my starting budget to go towards equipment such as boom microphones, cameras, and tripods because we will be using steadicam to make our film look professional and sell out to the audience.

Kickstarter is a global online community which helps people who are musicians, artists, filmmakers bring their project to life by funding so that the creator can purchase the resources required to finish off their project. This project was funded by kickstarter called kung fury where 17,713 supporters pledged over $630,000 to help bring the project to life 

The BBFC are a self regulatory organization and it is also a non-governmental organization which classifies films and games in terms of content such as profanity, violence, sex/nudity.The film trailer is on YouTube so that the BBFC  can watch the film and assess it so that they can rate it using U, PG, 12A, 12, 15, 18. If he film is too inappropriate, then the film will be banned from screening in cinemas in the UK.

Short film festivals are organized presentations of film screening in cinemas and they are usually held in cities. Films shown in festivals may be recent depending on the genre whereas some festivals focus on famous filmmakers . These film festivals consist of predominantly short films created by students or people so that they can get their name heard across the world. My short film will be shown on Youtube.

I did some research into what makes a good short film and I have discovered that I will need exceptional actors to tell the story through posture and appearance and a reasonable location which will set the scene and create the mood for the audience. Having a strong beginning through a strong establishing shot is ideal for engaging my audience to pull them into the reality of my short thriller film. Avoiding clichés is essential as it will cause the audience to show disinterest towards your film. Keeping the film length and the plot/synopsis short and simple is also essential in forming short films.

Friday, 8 January 2016

Lawrence Unit 16 EDL

As the role of an editor I created an EDL of my rough cut so that I can digitally send my footage to the person incharged of putting in special effects and soundtracks. I created an EDL of my rough cut by opening Final Cut Pro and clicking on File then Export XML then I saved the XML version on the desktop so that I can drag and drop it into Microsoft Excel so that it opened up as coding like document which was also my EDL of the rough cut of my short film. When the person recieves the EDL, they double click it the footage appears rebuilt on Final Cut Pro so that they can work on it.

Lawrence Unit 16 Rough Cut (She)

Lawrence Unit 16 She (Final Edit)

Sunday, 3 January 2016

Unit 1 Pre-Production Report(Draft)

In this report I will be taking the role as the production manager and providing  about the crucial aspects and the requirements neeed to produce my short film.

Type of Poduction

I will be producing a short film called One After Another. I will last for 1 minute and the genre of this film is a Thriller. It will be filmd in one location and it will involve two actors. It will be filmed using single-camera. A script, toryboard, one location, and fake blood will be needed to produce my short film.


The first requirement is the budget which needed for buying transport (trains), camera equipment, camra crew, star power, and he editing suite. The equipment is borwed from our college which is Christ he King in the Sidcup site whichmeans that we don't have to spend any money. If I was to produce a film in the media industry, then I would have to use ick-starter to producemy short film. In order to do so I must sign up and infrm them on what I am doing for my pr. The supportersillcontribute by donating money towards my project which will go towards talent, foodsuch as pizza, and equipment etc. 


I will only need one
locaton to shoot my shrt film. The locations will be sourced from doing a recce wich is a quick scout of the location and pictures are taken and permission is required in order to film there. So in summary, the costs are covered by the colege and any footage used to produce my short film is under the ownership of the college. 

How we are going to search for 
str poer is that I will conact my peers from outside of college using my phne to see if they are available and willing to act in my short ilm for the following days. In the media industry, major copanies would ave to pay for famous actors or celebrities who are willing to take part in fims for a reasonable price to include famous actors to star in your show. However, Iwill be looking for young actors who are willing to work for free.

Facilities and Equipment

In the film industry you would have to pay in order to trnsport your equipment it would cost around £1350 if you paid for bikes and tais as a form of transport for your equipment. However, we will be using public transport and it is free as lng as we have our oyster cards to prevent us from paying for bus passes. But however the oyster cards are not free as I had to pay £10 to renew m

The props I will be using for my short film is a
msk, someone's wallet showing ID. It usually costs around £500 for real life props but I already have the props eeded for, I won't be spending any money on props. I plan to finish my projct before the deadline so we can use the time to deal with surplus footage in the editing suite. 


In order to achieve the objectives set, I must
oganise a timetable in advance and inform my crew so that they knw when to attend. This will be done using call sheets, shot lists and shooting schedules which tell the filmmakers when they should be filming and the location they should be filming in and also what they will be filming. According to post-production, the date will be organised and everyone will need to be early so that we can make changes to the footage and simultaneously working at a moderate pace. It would nomally cost £550 for editing in the editing suite or studio or more depending on how long they spend editing their footage. However, we are using the computers in the college to edit our footage meaning that we don'thave to pay a thing.

Crew and Personnel

to the size of my team, there will be a maximum of three people and they will have their own production roles which consist of the director, proucer, and the production assistant  but each person in our group will suppot roles others i the form of assistants.


We will be using royalty-free usic for our shot film. Whereas in the media industry majors would have to pay clearance which involves paying money to whoever owns the song in order to use it in their movie, However since I am producing a short film, I will be using royalty-free music. Also, story boarding and script templaes tha are acually used in the media industry will be provided online for us to use to form the basis of our short film. 

Codes of Practice and Regulations

The BBFC is the British board of film classification. They are a non-profit organisation and they certify films shown in the UK with age stickers e.g. U PG 12 12A 15 18 R18. The BBFC would have to regulate our short film in order to be shown incinemas. However we will be distributing our short film onto YouTube and given that it is an international organisation, the BBFC can not certify our short film. In order to use the locatin chosen for my 1 minute short film, then I would have email the council to request permission to use the locatio then I would have to fill out a risk assessment form of all the possible risks that could occur when shooting in that location and I would need to fill out a location permission form in order to use the location chosen. In the media industry, If you were to shoot a film using weapons then you will be supervised by the police on the location. Clearance like I mentioned before is what will be needed to use music from artists just to prevent violating the copyright law. Public liability will protect those who have suffered and injury or collateral damage. One camera and one tripod will be booked from the media office in college.


The only limitation that we might encouner is that not everyone will be comfortable with the times assigned which may lead to poor attendance. Given that we have a small crew and free equipment and a low budget, our priority will be getting the script done first, storboarding and shot lists done first within the first week and for he second week the shots will be looked at and they will be rated on whether it was a good or a bad take so It is easier when it comes to editing so that we can spend less time in the editing suite to put the footage together.





