In this report I will be taking the role as the production manager and providing about the crucial aspects and the requirements neeed to produce my short film.
Type of Poduction
I will be producing a short film called One After Another. I will last for 1 minute and the genre of this film is a Thriller. It will be filmd in one location and it will involve two actors. It will be filmed using single-camera. A script, toryboard, one location, and fake blood will be needed to produce my short film.
The first requirement is the budget which needed for buying transport (trains), camera equipment, camra crew, star power, and he editing suite. The equipment is borwed from our college which is Christ he King in the Sidcup site whichmeans that we don't have to spend any money. If I was to produce a film in the media industry, then I would have to use ick-starter to producemy short film. In order to do so I must sign up and infrm them on what I am doing for my pr. The supportersillcontribute by donating money towards my project which will go towards talent, foodsuch as pizza, and equipment etc.
I will only need one locaton to shoot my shrt film. The locations will be sourced from doing a recce wich is a quick scout of the location and pictures are taken and permission is required in order to film there. So in summary, the costs are covered by the colege and any footage used to produce my short film is under the ownership of the college.
How we are going to search for str poer is that I will conact my peers from outside of college using my phne to see if they are available and willing to act in my short ilm for the following days. In the media industry, major copanies would ave to pay for famous actors or celebrities who are willing to take part in fims for a reasonable price to include famous actors to star in your show. However, Iwill be looking for young actors who are willing to work for free.
Facilities and Equipment
In the film industry you would have to pay in order to trnsport your equipment it would cost around £1350 if you paid for bikes and tais as a form of transport for your equipment. However, we will be using public transport and it is free as lng as we have our oyster cards to prevent us from paying for bus passes. But however the oyster cards are not free as I had to pay £10 to renew m
The props I will be using for my short film is a msk, someone's wallet showing ID. It usually costs around £500 for real life props but I already have the props eeded for, I won't be spending any money on props. I plan to finish my projct before the deadline so we can use the time to deal with surplus footage in the editing suite.
In order to achieve the objectives set, I must oganise a timetable in advance and inform my crew so that they knw when to attend. This will be done using call sheets, shot lists and shooting schedules which tell the filmmakers when they should be filming and the location they should be filming in and also what they will be filming. According to post-production, the date will be organised and everyone will need to be early so that we can make changes to the footage and simultaneously working at a moderate pace. It would nomally cost £550 for editing in the editing suite or studio or more depending on how long they spend editing their footage. However, we are using the computers in the college to edit our footage meaning that we don'thave to pay a thing.
Crew and Personnel
Acording to the size of my team, there will be a maximum of three people and they will have their own production roles which consist of the director, proucer, and the production assistant but each person in our group will suppot roles others i the form of assistants.
We will be using royalty-free usic for our shot film. Whereas in the media industry majors would have to pay clearance which involves paying money to whoever owns the song in order to use it in their movie, However since I am producing a short film, I will be using royalty-free music. Also, story boarding and script templaes tha are acually used in the media industry will be provided online for us to use to form the basis of our short film.
Codes of Practice and Regulations
The BBFC is the British board of film classification. They are a non-profit organisation and they certify films shown in the UK with age stickers e.g. U PG 12 12A 15 18 R18. The BBFC would have to regulate our short film in order to be shown incinemas. However we will be distributing our short film onto YouTube and given that it is an international organisation, the BBFC can not certify our short film. In order to use the locatin chosen for my 1 minute short film, then I would have email the council to request permission to use the locatio then I would have to fill out a risk assessment form of all the possible risks that could occur when shooting in that location and I would need to fill out a location permission form in order to use the location chosen. In the media industry, If you were to shoot a film using weapons then you will be supervised by the police on the location. Clearance like I mentioned before is what will be needed to use music from artists just to prevent violating the copyright law. Public liability will protect those who have suffered and injury or collateral damage. One camera and one tripod will be booked from the media office in college.
The only limitation that we might encouner is that not everyone will be comfortable with the times assigned which may lead to poor attendance. Given that we have a small crew and free equipment and a low budget, our priority will be getting the script done first, storboarding and shot lists done first within the first week and for he second week the shots will be looked at and they will be rated on whether it was a good or a bad take so It is easier when it comes to editing so that we can spend less time in the editing suite to put the footage together.
ReplyDeleteSome aspects have exemplification referring to Industry prcatice,. but not sustained or sufficient to get the M
P2: learners will produce a report in the appropriate context that contains information relevant to the topic being studied. Their use of language will be sound but somewhat basic and restricted more to description rather than exemplification