Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Rough/Draft Proposal (Highlighted Mistakes)


In this proposale, I will be about my pitch and sell th idea to producers so that they can get the film mad and screneed in cineas and distribued to Netflx etc.

I carried out both primay rsearch through socil meda asking the people within my audience and looking at their YouTube profiles what they like about thriller movies and what they would like to see more of in thrillers. I carried out my secondary research which included looking at news articles and short stories and movies to inspire me and help me get into the mood.

The nme of my shrt flm will be called 'One After Another' and the genre of this film will be a thriller.

A dedbeat criminal stalks and kills victims so that he could retrieve their identity. He is soon spotted by a paserby detective leading to a hot pursuit.  The twist will be whether the detective captures the criminal and brings him to justice or will the criminal escape. The hook will be what weapon the criminal uses to deapitate the criminal. The tagline will be 'You could be next'. I was influenced by an online article regading the growth of identity theft on BBC. I was also influenced by the movie Point Break to include a chase scene.

I will rate the flm 15 because it contains violence and behavior which can be mimicked by people who watch this nd end up doing the same in real life or even worse this is normally affects impressionable tenagers. There is little to no dalogue which means barely any bad language and I can prevent discrimination. There will be no gory scenes because it is a thriller. If i was to include pain in my short film, then it will not be emphasized on.  

This was the primary reseach I cnductid to acuire feedback from my audience:

I used the short horror plalist to find out which short film had the most views and likes etc which turned out to be 2AM The Siling Man had over three million views and over 28k likes.

I was looking at the commets and their pofiles but I couldn't find any of their ages so I considered them to be over 17+ years of age but I canot be to sure about the gender because I looked at most of their profiles and there was nothing about their age nor their gender. So my intended audience would have to be around 17+ years of age and I will be looking at an audience of both male and female. I will gather data by talking to them on social media platforms as it is the best way for me to accumulate data rather than going out and asking people on the street for the purpose of questioning them.

So I decided to use social media to quetion them about what they liked about thrillers and what they would like to see more of. The reason as to why I chose to do so is because I can consider these when putting together my short film. 

This is the fedback I received from te first peson I interviewed. 

The first person I interviewed was an 18 year old and he said that Psychological stuff and supense wuld rther be seen more than blood and gore and distortion in people's minds and flashbacks to tell te story.

The scond peron I asked gave me a similar feedback 

The next person I intrviewed ws 17 yars of age and he  said that they prefered a developed story-line and tension building up to engage the audience.

The third person I interviwed was 18 years of age and he favors suspense and the evelopment of tension on specific scenes rather than tension throghout since it is verused and osing its meaning.

The fourth person was 17 years of age and he would like to see a piece of what happened at the start and then investigations to find evidence and the pursuit and in the end the criminal is brought to justice. To summarize the fourth person prefers to see more of mystery in horror films. 

The secondary research I carried out involved looking at short stories, articles for 

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

The legend of seepy hollw was one of my fvorite short stories because of the headless horseman. I found it inpiring because of the way he sends his victims to the here after and it was suspenseful as wll. I was engaged throughout the folklore and found it worth mentioning on my blog. After reading te short story, it made me wonder whose name he was going to call next.  

Te research I gathered was overll useful and I lernt from the pimary feedback is that thrillers should cotain no blood and gore at all but mystery, suspenseful scenes to engage the audience rather than focusing on the vulnerability of the human body.

The USP of my film will be the amunt of mystery and suspense and the silence I add to my film so I don't overuse the mainsream techniques and components of a thriller film otherwise my film would lose meaning. The narraive structure will be linear and I will maintain continuity to tell the story and make it look like a professional piece. 

There wll be no budget for my film because we can use our oster cards for free ransport and all the equipment neded to produce my short film wll be fuded by the colege. 

The BBFC who rate fils shown in the UK by organizations across the world. The BBFC will take a look at my short film and give it a rating depending on the content. The I will distribute my short film to the short film festival so that I can get ratings and have the film distributed to Netflix or LoveFilm. 

There are no alterations I had to make with my idea since it was workable and within my boundary and the ending is open to interpretaion so the audiens can wonde what happens next

My short film will be distibuted onto YouTube because it is what we have to do for our coursework and so I can earn views.

1 comment:

  1. D3: effective use of appropriate software and proof-reading will mean that work contains very few or no spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.
