Monday, 6 March 2017

Question 3&4

Each channel uses the same theme in their suite of idents for instance the theme BBC's suite of idents contain circles which represents the world. Also, it represents that Britian is one of the most multicultural places in the world. BBC creates brand loyalty through the concept of circles which represents the world and their idents involve people from different countries not just Britain which suggests that they are accepting of all races. Therefore, the viewers would respect their openness to different cultures and encourage them to watch their channel. BBC one's suite of idents is entertainment-led given the dogs running around in circles in a field and jumping over hurdles. In addition, there was no information being provided on screen nor was there a voice over, just logo being introduced at the end. 

Film 4's nostalgic theme has been consistent throughout the suite of idents. The only thing that changes in each ident is the location and those locations are similar to that of famous movies in the 1980's. What remains the same in each one is the digitally reinvented celluloid film strip transition to maintain their identity. Film 4 encourages brand loyalty because upon watching that ident the audience would develop the tendency to watch their channel more which would increase in viewing figures. Film 4 is information-led due to the voice over but the on screen visuals provide you with information of what will be aired next.

BBC Three creates brand loyalty given that their suite is consistently using circles compared to BBC One. However their concept is Threeworld which involves a much younger audience given the use of animation in their idents. The theme is consistent in their suite of idents and they have succeeded in creating brand loyalty because the idents reflect the company's identity and it has been done so well with the use of animation to entertain the viewers and that would want to make them watch BBC three. The visuals of the suite of idents make it an entertainment-led ident given the vibrant colour and the animation. however there is information being provided in the form of the voiceover but visuals are there to help the viewer relax whilst preparing them for whats coming up next.

Sky sports theme is consistent in their suite of idents and it is successful in creating brand loyalty because each of their idents contain live footage of football teams playing and other sports. This will encourage sports fans to watch their channel to see their favourite team play. It's like the ident is advertising their identity to the viewers which would convince them to go see the game live. Sky sports is entertainment led given that they are advertising sports using live footage to engage the viewers. However they only provide information on the upcoming matches but it still predominantly entertainment-led due to the transitions of one sport to another through mini screens.

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