The purpose of using rule of 3rds is to control the depth of field and fit the subjects head or an object within one of the sections created by the gridlines. These can be used in establishing shots and tilting shots. I didn't use the rule of thirds in my webisode because there was no depth of field within the footage and when it came to lining the script, we didn't use the rule of 3rds.
The 180 degree rule is seen in over the shoulder shots. The camera cannot break the line of continuity otherwise it would make it seem like they are looking at different places other than having a conversation. In our webisode in the scene where he was holding the drugs the person was facing in the opposite direction we broke the line of continuity causing my webserial to look bland and it won't make any sense.
The Master shot shows all of the characters captured within one scene for the duration for the purpose of telling the story. We didn't include a master shot in our webseries because all of the characters were scattered. It was a lot harder to tell the story since we didn't have a master shot.
The purpose of shot reverse shot is that it represents a conversation between two people through the use of two different camera angles and the camera switches between the two angles. We didn't have a shot reverse shot in our webisode because there was no conversation involved.
Depth of field forces the audience to focus on one subject whilst the background is blurry. We didn't use depth of field because the camera we were provided with didn't have the function to change focus on objects.
Establishing shots are shots of buildings, environment, or characters taken from a vast distance and is placed at the start of a film and its purpose is to begin the episode or the film. We used an establishing shot for our webserial which is the house.
Match on action is when one shot cuts to another for the purpose of creating mystery. We were unable to include a match on action in our webserial because we didn't have enough time to input more the editing techniques.
The purpose of movement in cameras is to show the audience the location or to find another position for the camera to settle in. In our webisode our zoom was overused and we also spent too much time panning one part of the untidy bedroom as the camera was moving left, right, and left again.
Lighting is an important part of film making because it allows the audience to see all of the action. We used the lights from the lampposts in the scene where the character was running away from the stalker to create a sense of realism for the audience.
The purpose of camera angles is to establish hierarchy within a range of shots. In our webisode, we used a low angle shot making the audience look at the hooded character which signifies that he is important in the story.
The purpose of shot types is to directly address the audience of the actor's body language or facial expression. In thrillers, you would abuse close up shots since they create suspense. However only had three close ups within our webisode which means that it lacks tension, suspense and mystery, and creativity.
The purpose of framing is to make room for the subject's head for the audience to look at the character's NVC. It may be useful for setting up close up shots. Framing was used in our webserial in the close up showing the scene where the character is sleeping on the bed, there was another scene with the character looking out of the window.
The purpose of building a sequence if shots is when many shots are combined to form a moving sequence. We didn't include that in our webisode because we didn't have the idea of building a sequence of shots in the lining of the script.
The purpose of blocking is to show relationship by the particular positioning two characters. There was no blocking in our webisode because there was no scene containing two people in order the examine the relationship.
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