Friday, 16 October 2015

Task B: Blog Report on Single Camera Techniques

Single camera production is used in producing videos and making films. The single camera is situated on the set and each shot which forms a scene is then taken separately. Each camera shots and camera angles are taken through the same camera then re-positioned to capture more shots and angles. These camera techniques are perfect for filming serials, single drama, and TV series with genres such as thriller, horror, comedy etc.

Doctor Who is a sci-fi and it uses single camera because each scene is repeatable. In this video, we witness a shot-reverse shot to signify that the doctor is having a conversation.

Utopia is a thriller and it uses single camera for the purpose of building tension and mystery which are the two basic elements which constitute a thriller.

Come fly with me is a comedy which uses single camera instead of multi camera because it isn't a
live performance, and there are a series of shot reverse shots and high-angle shots.

Moral horror such as saw uses single camera techniques because they powerful enough to send chills down your spine.

The 180 degree rule is a technique which falls under single camera production. It is most commonly seen in films. It involves a 180 degree line which the camera cannot cross. If the camera crosses the continuity, then it will confuse the audience because they won't know if they are looking at each other or at different areas.

Here is an example of a 180 degree rule from V for Vendetta this is the scene when the masked man is having a conversation with the woman. 

The advantage of single camera techniques is that the shots taken can be edited which means that there is no sequence needed. When editing you can add dramatic effect so that the audience can be engaged in the film, it also gives significance. Since you are only using one camera, it isn't as expensive.

The disadvantages of using single camera techniques is that you can only capture one angle at a time and all your footage is on one camera, leading to more time being used in the editing room where you will be dealing with outtakes. In the media industry, the more time you spend in the editing suite, the more money is being spent. 

Multi-Camera Production

Multi-camera production encourages the use of more than one camera and they are positioned to capture multiple shots and angles of the scene in sync. The set must have enough light to encompass all cameras. The process of multi-camera production is much faster than single camera in terms of photography because there is no need to edit since you don't have multiple takes of the live performance but the quality is lower. It another technique also used in film making. Multi-camera techniques are common in genres such as soap operas, talk shows, and game shows. They are used in live events to capture the reaction of the audience and the whole event.

The Maury Show uses multi camera because it is includes a live audience and multiple cameras are needed to capture the audience's reaction to the situation.

BBC Glastonbury uses multi- camera because the live event will not happen again. If it used single camera, then the camera equipment would be caught within the scenes.  

The advantages of multi-camera is that it saves time. With multi-cameras, you can view the scene from many different angles. You can record live events. Another advantage is that there is less continuity because the scene only appears once. You don't need to edit your footage.

The disadvantages of multi-camera is that there is barely any flexibility for example you try and do the over the shoulder shot because recording equipment will be seen in the shot. Since there will be more of the scene on the shot, compromised lighting would occur since it takes longer to light a multi-camera. The cameras need to record more people so they need to be in the right position so that shadows don't engulf the scene. Cost is another disadvantage because you have to spend money on actors, the equipment, the locations and the camera crew.


A series is a number of events, objects, or people of a similar or related kind coming one after another. In other words, each episode tells a different story. For example Black Mirror is science fiction TV series. Each episode of black mirror tells the story of each different character.

A serial follows the plot for the entire TV season or the whole TV series. The most common example would be soap operas and thrillers. For instance, Breaking bad is a TV series thriller/ crime drama. It is a serial because it has a plot which is consistent throughout the seasons.

A Single drama is aired once as it provides episodes based on real life situations and convenient for television. An example of this would be Interstellar. Interstellar is a science fiction movie single drama because it reflects on the life pattern. and the scene is shot in space once through a single camera. 

Narrative Structure

Linear narratives follow the story from beginning to middle to the end. For example, UP where two characters met since they were kids until they were old age and one of them passed away.  The purpose of this is to let the audience know that it is a linear narrative.

Episodic narratives tell the story through series and episodes. The walking dead is an episodic narratives because there is an episode for each individual character where they face their odds. 
Episodic narratives keep the viewer engaged through different episodes.

Open narratives consist of many characters and no foreseeable ending. EastEnders where Lucy dies and the show is finished. Open narratives leave the viewer in wonder of what is going to happen next. 

Closed narratives include tight reading and it is also a complete story meaning that all ends are wrapped up bringing the film to the resolution. Closed narratives allow the audience to fully understand the story and how the threat has appeared and how it has been destroyed. For example JAWS when Rob Schneider killed the great white shark with a shotgun and in doing so brings the film to its resolution. 

Realist narratives are based on real-life situations. Titanic was based on a true story. Realist narratives are often seen as educational and it enables the viewer to visualize the thought of being in the event.

Anti- realist narratives aren’t based on real-life situations. Anti-realist narratives provide humor or escapism from society and daily drudgery from everyday life. Toy Story is an example of an anti-realist narrative.

Multi-Stranded narratives involves different characters and separate character existing at once. X-MEN is multi-stranded all the characters were once separated until brought together. Multi-stranded narratives concern the audience about the action and outcome of each strand and how they relate to one another. This is a link of X-MEN days of future past opening scene where the squad battle invading sentinels.

My webisode is a linear narrative. What makes it a linear narrative is that it follows the story from beginning the middle and the end also, there are no flashbacks involved and no cliff hangers. The purpose of linear narratives is to tell the audience the entire story from beginning, middle, and the end. It is also multi-stranded because there was more than one charater involved in the webisode. Multi-stranded narratives educate the audience of the characters and their origins and how they relate to one another.

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