Thursday, 1 October 2015

Pre-Production Report On My Web Serie

In this report I will be talking about the crucial aspects and the requirements needed to produce my web-serial.

The first requirement is the budget requirement which consists of paying for transport, camera equipment, camera crew, star power, and the editing suite 5. The equipment is borrowed from our college which is Christ The King in the Sidcup site which means that we don't have to spend any money. We also have access to the editing suite for which we will use to add dramatic effects to my episode. The type of production we will be using is single camera production.

We will have many more locations to shoot my episode. So in summary, the costs are covered by the college and any footage used to form my episode is under the ownership of the college. A percentage of the budget  would go towards consumables such as food and drinks which will be provided within the session given the schedule.

 How we are going to search for star power is that I will contact my peers from outside of college using my phone to see if they are available to star in my episode for the following days. In the media industry it would be expensive to include famous actors to star in your show. However, I will be looking for young actors who are willing to work for free.

In the film industry you would have to pay in order to transport your equipment it would cost around £1350 if you paid for bikes and taxis as a form of transport for your equipment. However, we will be using public transport and it is free as long as we have our oyster cards to prevent us from paying for bus passes.

The props I will be using for my pitch is a mask, someone's wallet showing ID, a shiv, and blood bag. It usually costs around £500 for props but I already have the props needed for my episode, I won't be spending any money on props. I plan to finish my project before the deadline so we can use the time to deal with surplus footage in the editing suite.

In order to achieve the objectives set, I must organise a timetable in advance and inform my crew so that they know when to attend. According to post-production, the date will be organised and everyone will need to be early so that we can make changes to the footage and simultaneously working at a moderate pace. It would normally cost £550 for editing in the editing suite or studio. However, we are using the computers in the college to edit our footage meaning that we don't have to pay a thing.

According to the size of my team, there will be a maximum of three people, two of them will be actors and one of them will be behind the camera filming, but each person in our group will have an opportunity to practice different roles to see if they have the posture and facial expression suitable enough fit with the role. In the industry the production crew is funded therefore they have the right to use copyrighted music which means that the have to pay money to whoever owns the song. However we will be free riders and download the music suitable for my episode free from any charges and constraints.

I have chosen my locations for my episode which is an estate, a street, and a building. Generally, it would cost £1800 on location fees. If the director wanted his film to be set in a bleak house, then it would cost £200,000 to shoot and film in the bleak house. The camera crew would have a limited time on capturing various parts of the locations so they have to get as much footage of the location as possible before they are removed from the site, fail to acquire sufficient footage, the money spent on the camera crew would be wasted and then they will be sacked by the director. However we are using college equipment and as a bonus, we use the locations for free but we still have to use our time wisely.

1 comment:

  1. WT Pass

    Some understadning of the preproduction requireemnts and process, but a lot of confusion here.

    It is unclear that you have considered how you would manage the process - using call sheets, auditions, where you would source the locations from, doing a recce etc...

    "...The props I will be using for my pitch is a mask, someone's wallet showing ID, a shiv, and blood bag. It usually costs around £500 for props but I already have the props needed for my episode," How will you avoid getting arrested and obtaining a licence to shoot in public with offensive weapons?

    " I must organise a timetable in advance and inform my crew..." This would be a production schedule, a shooting schedule and call sheets

    "... three people, two of them will be actors and one of them will be behind the camera filming," - no all 3 of you will have production roles - what will they be and what are their responsibilities? How many people did VGHS on their webisode and how much did this add to the budget? What are the most important roles?

    "...would cost £200,000 to shoot and film in the bleak house." - no that was the total production budget per episode

    "...In the industry the production crew is funded therefore they have the right to use copyrighted music which means that the have to pay money to whoever owns the song. However we will be free riders and download the music..." no they do not they pay CLEARANCE. Also you are not free riders you will have to find royalty free music
